Monday, June 13, 2011

Flowers & more AR

Hello again. Still haven't taken my 3ds on a long walk, so I took a few more pictures inside. A few flowers around the house, and a few more AR pictures. Still trying new stuff.

This one is another AR picture, but I tried standing some of the AR cards upright (Mario, Kirby) with another on flat on the table.

Thought I would try an interaction with an AR card, and an object.
Not great, but not bad either.
And one more AR picture. I promise to come up with something more original next time.
There's a reflective silver sheet under the cards, but none of my ideas worked.
This one is a simple flower, with the pinhole effect. (I think the 3d shows up best using this)
And another flower. Boring, I know.
The same flower again, but I think this one looks better. (It's fake, btw. Could you tell?)

That's all for this entry. I promise to have better pictures next time. (I might have actual trees, not just flowers). I'd like to try some large scale scenery type pictures to see how well they work. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying them, because I'll keep taking them.

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