Other - Tales of Tech Woe

As part of a promotion for FutureShop.ca, I'm writing some short Tech tales (one of Woe, and one of love).  This one is my Tale of Tech Woe.

I'll tell you a tale about my last set of cordless phones.  They were a gift, and worked perfectly.  Two of them was enough for our small apartment, and using two of them the battery (almost) never died on both at the same time.  Just over a year later, the first phone died.  It just didn't recognize the battery anymore, and despite all our best efforts at getting a solution from the manufacturer, we were left with a broken phone, and a possible fix if we paid postage & labor.  That wasn't worth it, so we were reduced to a single phone for the next 18 months.

When the second phone started to go, it was the battery that wasn't holding it's charge long enough anymore.  We finally got fed up with that (and both of us avoided mentioning the battery from the first, broken phone).
We got lucky, and found a set of 4 phones for an amazing price, and everything is once again working properly. (With one of the phones carefully stored away to replace any of them that might break)